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Ali Rana

Director - Principal Lawyer


Ali is a distinguished criminal defense lawyer with a passion for justice, fairness, and the relentless protection of his clients’ interests. As the founder of Rana Lawyers, he has dedicated his legal career to the exclusive practice of criminal law, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the field.
With an impressive track record, Ali has successfully handled some of the most serious charges and numerous high-profile cases. His unwavering commitment to his clients’ rights and his exceptional legal acumen have earned him respect not only among his peers but also within the esteemed halls of the courts.

Ali’s clients benefit not only from his extensive experience but also from his deep understanding of the complexities of criminal law. He approaches each case with a unique blend of expertise, compassion, and tenacity, ensuring that every individual receives the vigorous defense they deserve.

At Rana Lawyers, Ali leads a team of dedicated legal professionals who share his commitment to upholding justice and safeguarding the rights of their clients. With a reputation for excellence, Ali and his firm continue to make a significant impact in the realm of criminal law.

When Ali isn’t in the courtroom, he can often be found contributing to legal discourse, mentoring aspiring lawyers, and actively engaging with the legal community to advance the cause of justice. With his unwavering dedication and formidable skills, Ali is a force to be reckoned with in the world of criminal defense.

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If you need to get in contact with us urgently, please feel free to call us any time on  07 3181 4345.

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