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Step 02
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Book in for an initial conference with one of our experienced criminal lawyers and we’ll progress from there.

Types of Common Assault Charges

Common assault charges on the Gold Coast can take various forms, depending on the circumstances and the nature of the incident. Key types include:

  • Physical Assault: Involves direct physical contact, such as hitting, pushing, or slapping, without causing significant injury.
  • Threats of Violence: Occurs when someone threatens another person with immediate harm, even if no physical contact occurs.
  • Verbal Assault: Involves using words to threaten or intimidate someone, causing them to fear for their safety.
  • Attempted Assault: Occurs when someone tries to physically harm another person but fails to make contact.

Each of these charges carries specific legal implications, and the severity of the penalties can vary based on the context and any aggravating factors involved. Understanding the precise nature of your charge is essential for preparing an effective defence.

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Building Your Assualt Defence In The Gold Coast

Defending against assault charges requires a thorough understanding of the law and a strategic approach. We explore various defence options, such as:

  • Self-defence: Justifying the use of force to protect oneself from harm.
  • Lack of Intent: Demonstrating that the act was accidental or not intended to cause harm.
  • Mistaken Identity: Challenging the accuracy of the accusations if there is a possibility of wrongful identification.

Why Choose Rana Lawyers?

At Rana Lawyers, we are committed to providing top-tier legal defence for those facing assault charges on the Gold Coast. Our experienced lawyers bring a wealth of knowledge to your case, ensuring that you receive a personalised and effective defence. We are here to guide you through every step of the legal process, providing clear communication and strong advocacy.

For expert legal support, contact Rana Lawyers. We’re available 24/7 to help you through your legal challenges and work towards a positive resolution.

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